Accountability as an Author

I am beginning a couple of new courses to improve my writing but also my business as a writer. But over the course of several years and two books, I know I need to do more to be successful. Up until now I really think I have not been afraid of failure as much as I feared success. When you fail or a book doesn't sell you have no expectations so you just slink into the background feeling like you really have nothing to say.

As I approach a new decade in my life it is time to stop worrying about success or failure and do what it is I feel called to do. Write, design, and write some more. And with that I need to hone those skills and take on new skills that I am not as good at.... the business side of writing. And that includes marketing, promoting, and selling myself. It also includes mastering those techie skills that keep me from prospering... sales pages, email lists. frequent newsletters, and developing new products.

Here is where you the audience comes in.   I need to be accountable as an author to YOU the reader. It doesn't matter if the reader is a child, tween, or adult I need to be accountable. So I am promising to post more, develop more, and hopefully engage my readers to care whether I have a presence or not here on the page.

So stay tuned. There will be a new email sign up soon for special interests. And with that will come freebies... I love the audience and the reader and I want to touch your hearts with honesty, humor, and maybe a few tears.

 Life in person can seem mundane even if we don't realize it is an exciting adventure everyday. Life on the page however, can take you outside your normal life and give you more than adventure... it can actually give you the skills to live real life to the fullest. Let's begin, for the best is yet to come.


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