Finding a Publisher

It can be really challenging to find a publisher for your work. You have put your heart and soul into writing what you think is the perfect manuscript and lo and behold you find rejection after rejection in your mailbox or inbox.

Publishing is changing every minute and I don't profess to be an expert on this particular topic because I have more rejections then published manuscripts. I can give a couple of tips that have improved my chances and have made a difference in being published and not being published.

1. Join a critique group. I mean a really interactive small group that encourages you, gives you constructive criticism, and helps your story to blossom. Be careful to avoid a group you don't feel comfortable with or one that is destructive or makes you feel inferior. That kind of group no matter how they view themselves is not helpful. Find a small group or critique partner that will tell you the truth and help you to find a better way to make your story work.

2. Research the markets. The more you know the better your chances are to make your story fit the needs of a publisher. When doing your research, also look into current agents looking for your kind of writing, There is more than one way to get your work out there so look into any avenue that may be a good fit. A current Market for Writers book in all genres are available to give you a starting place for research as are many magazines for writers like Writers Digest.

3. Submit. This may seem like a no brainer but from experience let me say that you can have the polished work, send it and have it rejected, and then talk yourself into not being good enough to be published so you stop submitting. It happened to me and it should be avoided at all costs. Submit it again. After a few rejections take your story back to your critique group for suggestions and recommendations for resubmitting. Submit again and again while you keep writing new work.

4. Consider self publishing. That takes more research but many authors have been successful at self publishing and then noticed by another publisher after the fact. It is easier then ever in our techie world to do it professionally but keep in mind there are also fake self publishing sites that cost you tons of money with no promise of a sold book. ( material for another post)

5. Don't be afraid to be published by smaller publishing houses or local presses. Again, research is a must and you need to know what are the common practises of being published by both big and small publishers. For instance, many ask you to pay a portion for illustrations and both big and small publishing houses make you buy ( at a discount) the books you take to sell at book signings. Those big boxes of books delivered to the door of the author are not freebies, just saying. The publishers expect to make money too.

There is much more to being a published author than just writing a good story or simply researching for setting or plot. There are all kinds of things to consider and to research but the satisfaction in seeing your book in the hands of a reader is priceless.

Terri Forehand is the author of several children's picture books. She writes from her log cabin in Nashville IN Visit her author site at
Her new release The Missing Brown Shoe and Pepper's Special Secret can be purchased at A Moose is Loose is due out in early 2018 by Pen It! Publications, LLC


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