Submitting your Stories

There are two types of writers, those who write just to write, and those who write to share their words with others.

  • In order to share your words with others submitting your work to a publisher is the natural course most writers take. As a new writer, this is a daunting task until you get in the routine of researching guidelines and submitting on a regular basis.

Here are a couple of tips to make your story stand out from all the other apples in the bowl.

1. Research and follow specific guidelines for the publisher you are submitting to. Many manuscripts get put in the rejection pile because guidelines were not followed or the story was not a fit for the publication.

2. Take a good look at your beginning and your end of the manuscript. Is the beginning engaging and does it grab your reader with the first sentence or does your reader need to read the first two or three paragraphs to be engaged? Many times the beginning paragraphs can be cut and the story can start three paragraphs down where the action really begins. Make certain your ending is quick and doesn't drag out as well. After the climax and wrap up, the story should come to a logical conclusion rather quickly.

3. List the possible publishers for each story. When a rejection comes, and it most likely will, be ready to send the story on to the next publisher on your list assuming they are all suitable for your story.

4. Submit manuscripts and queries on a regular basis. Keeping something ready to submit every week or every month keeps you on a regular writing/submitting schedule and will help to make acceptance more likely eventually. The more you submit, the higher your chances of being with the right publisher at the right time to fill their need.

Keep researching, writing, revising, and submitting. Publishing success will come with patience and persistence.


  1. This is great advice Terri. I am a little slow at getting the habit down. I am working on it.


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