Book Review: Trouble on Earth Day

Trouble on Earth Day

Author Kathy Stemke

Illustrator: Kurt Wilcken

ISBN: 978-1-936021-36-9

Synopsis:  Shelly and the squirrel family learn about recycling and reusing items to protect the environment.

REVIEW:  This is a delightful tale of Shelly a young squirrel as she learns what it means to reused and recycle items you no longer use. She finds a bluebird who has lost the tree where she was to make her nest. And to make matters worse, there were no sticks enough to build a nest in a new place. Where would she make her nest now that her favorite tree has been cut down?

Trouble on Earth Day gives the reader a story with a lesson on the consequences of what we do to our environment- like cutting down the trees. But it also is a fun story about what to do to reuse and recycle what you have on hand. Shelley shares yarn and other fine items to help bluebird make the nest.

Trouble on Earth Day also offers games, activities, and crafts from recycled items. How about a pinecone bird feeder? Maybe you would rather make toilet paper role napkin rings or any number of other fun projects in the book.

This is a great book for classrooms and also for those who home school their children. With the fun learning activiites, students will read this over and over. The author has done a great job of telling an important story in a fun, entertaining, and educational way.

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Kathy Stemke

Award Winning Author/Educator/Freelance Writer

Trouble on Earth Day earned the Children's Literary Classics Seal of Approval
Sh Sh Sh Let the Baby Sleep won the Children's Literary Classics Seal of Approval
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Sh Sh Sh Let the Baby Sleep is available through the publisher, and through Amazon, B & N, and other online stores.

Trouble on Earth Day is available at a discounted price on Kathy's blog: and through Amazon, B & N, and other online stores.

Mrs.Stemke offers great teaching tips and children’s book reviews as well as a monthly newsletter titled, MOVEMENT AND RHYTHM, on her blog.

Throughout the book tour visitors will be asked to send their best EARTH photo to to be displayed on the last day of the tour. A winner will be selected and awarded a $10 gift card.


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