November is NaNoWriMo and PiBoldMo- What are you writing today?

Today is the day to start the madness for writers everywhere. Are you participating in the fun?

Being part of the group who makes a mad dash to write a novel in a month or find 30 picture book ideas to develop in a month can make you a better writer. Will any of your work get published or be even a close fit for print? No way to tell.

 I can tell you this. It will make you a better writer for the effort. It gives you practice at the discipline of writing on schedule, a tight schedule at that. It will spark ideas. It will make you determined to discover if the writing life is one that fits your personality. And it can be stressful to you, your family, your co-workers, and anyone else who gets in your way.

But so what. If a writer is who you want to be, then no better way then to spend November trying on the hat of a writer. See where it takes you.

For me, I hope it takes me to a finished product suitable for a publisher's review. If you can't find me, I will be at my computer with butt in the chair mimicking the life of a writer.


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